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Basic Needs and Improvents in Police Administration of India

This article describes the problems, and needs of Indian Police.

 Police Administration of India

India is a larger country. It has a 17.50% part of the whole population of the World. Every minute, anywhere a police station records an FIR. But the justice rate in India is very low.

Who is responsible for this - Police, law, govt. or society. India has different regions, different cultures, different creeds, and many other different aspects.

Anyway, now we shall have to think about the future of India. Can we stop this crime rate? Can a common man feel safe everywhere?

What are these steps that can give us a safe and secure atmosphere? Which policy should be applied by our Indian administration? It is a big question mark for a long time. 

So we focus on some issues and some solutions for our healthy and secure society.  Read - Police Hindi Poem

Problems: Before the Indian Police

We always talk about the faults of the Indian police. But we don't talk about their helplessness and weakness. Now let's view some important points:-

A policeman comes from Indian society. He is habitual of Indian culture, and customs. So he takes a decision according to social mood. 

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In India, the budget of the police department is very low. Many times policemen will have to expanses themselves pockets.

Here, we see the interference of politicians in police departments. They force them to the wrong action. They used the police for their criminal safeguard. 

So we see, behave of police is corrupted. It is the most illegal part of the law services. 

Improvements of the Indian Police

First, we need to empowerment our police. Without empowerment, we can't expect of right justice done by the police.

For this empowerment, we should centralize all state police in one unity. 

The Indian government should budget appropriately for their needs.

A special crime task force like rape, murder, etc. should be created at every district level.
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 We find that police don't register FIR many times. So for this, We should train skillful policemen. 

When a crime happened, many times police don't inspect correctly and proofs are lost. So we should create a special investigation team in every block, and district level.


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