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What is the Truth of Bollywood ? How Much Deep Dark Bollywood Has? - Asking India

Dark Side of Bollywood


As we know after the death of Shining star 'Sushant Singh Rajput' many layers of secrets are revealing of bollywood dark side one by one.

About 80% percents bollywood  industry have put finger on their mouth on Sushant Rajput death mystery. Rumours say it was suicide and some say it was a planned murder.

 What is truth? Who does know this truth? Rehea know truth or she was included in this crime. Or this is crime or not? There are a lot of questions in this murder mystery.

 The Mani Karnika (Kangana Ranaut) has openly challenged the drugs gang. She was not only against some big bollywood names but also she has come to against of Mumbai Police and Maharashtra Govt. So she is now bearing the illegal torture of BMC and Maharasthra Govt.

There is big mind teasing question is that all these have been happening for to save criminals or drug mafia gang.

It it is. It is very shameful for our system, specially for Maharashtra Govt. Maharashtra Govt. is a polenta of many parties. 


Bollywood Truth

Kangana is a Key that will open more secrets of Bollywood.

Kangana very cleverly has made her personal issue of the issue of India. She has called Uddhav Thackery as a Babar (a muslim oppressor) who demolish her work temple which was like 'Ram Mandir' for her.

She also said the Shivsena has become 'Soniya Sena'. She beautifully got the support of Hindu hearts. She twitted "Har Har Mahadev" Which was the proclaim of fight. Specially in Indian culture when a team or force fights a religious war. They shout 'Har Har Mahadev'.

It is specially spoke by Shiv Sena. But Kangana is continue snatching the identity of Shiv Sena. She is proving them Soniya Sena.

 The attitude of Kangana is very offensive and we see Maharashtra Govt. and BMC had taken defencive mode.

But our quetions is not about on Kangana. We see Kangana as a key who can open more secrets. She told news channel 'Republic Bharat' in an exclusive interview that she took drug in early period of her bollwood entry and when is get name and fame. She know the drug mafia of bollywood.

 She openly said that Ranbeer Kapoor, Ranveer Singh and Vickey Kaushal etc. should give their blood sample. 

 She prayed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi that here is a big need of 'Swacch Bharat Abhiyan'.

  Need Answers From Bollywood

There are many question which are torturing Indian minds.

1 Bollywood of India is divided in two parts. A part who supports Daud (The famous accused of India) and B part who is with nationality.

2. Can CBI found the truth without the help of Mumbai police and Maharashtra Govt.

3 Talented person are always tortured like Kangana and Sushant in Bollywood Industry. They should have to prove their talent in every step than celebrities' children.

4. Can Modi Govt. clean the bollywood or it may remain always the den of Mafia where drug and anti-national movements will be continue run.

So India ask these questions and answers are in the lap of Investigations and determination of Indian Govt.

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