'Freedom' is a lovely word in itself. Hearing this, there is a feeling of special kind of joy and relaxation. Perhaps this is the reason why husband separates from wife, youths turn away from responsibilities to their old parents and today's parents fulfill their desire for freedom by sending their children to school.
Today We need Freedom or Free Will ?
Getting freedom is like getting heaven. Some want freedom from relationships, some from disease, some want freedom from the difficulties of their life, some from their poverty, there is hardly anyone in this world who does not want freedom. In a way, everyone is a slave.
Everyone is imprisoned in some small corner somewhere today. One is feeling suffocated. The mind itself is moaning. It seems that the whole surrounding environment is holding him. And he wants to break free from that bondage. But it is not possible to be free. He gets freedom only with his last breath.
After all, why is it like this, why are we not feeling free even after being free? Why is the person feeling tied down. Why does he find responsibilities a burden? Does he not know the meaning of freedom?
The answer is yes, we don't really know the meaning of freedom. We want free will, not freedom. Free will is not freedom. Free will means doing one's own will. Do whatever comes to mind. And free will always leads to evil. Makes our life go astray.
An article on Independence Day
Freedom has decorum and free will is limitless. Today, we are actually asking for free will, not freedom.
We should always keep this in mind. We may like the free will in the beginning but it will ruin our life. And the family bonds and responsibilities we want to run away from. They are the duties of our life, which we can fulfill very well by remaining independent. That is the real freedom.
The way we have understood free will as freedom. That is actually our craving. Such a craving from which we will burn our lives. There is no person in this place who can be completely free and happy. You know that God himself is also bound by his responsibility and duties. So is God not free?
Remember freedom teaches man. At the same time, free will also spoils what has been learned. That's why we need freedom, not free will.
Freedom means what
So we see that freedom is very wide. It is not that easy to understand this. Freedom from bondage is not freedom. Rather, it means freedom. Freedom to fulfill one's responsibility well, freedom to advance the country and society. Read - Independence Day Shayari
But today we have forgotten the meaning of freedom. We are running away from our duties. We need to let them go. And without coming under any pressure and performing these duties voluntarily. This is freedom.
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